Unsealing Quest 56

RF Online
Level 56 Unsealing Quest Guide

by Scribe Dylana

Congratulations! You’ve just reached level 56.

Now, before you succumb to the toils of EXP grinding to infinity and beyond (yet again), I would have to ask you to hold yer horses and heed the few words that follow…

You won’t be able to gain experiences.

Well, not yet, at least; and like all vigilant characters that went sparkly-eyed after hitting the 50th mark, o’course, an unsealing quest is required for you to advance. So for those who have plans to save this quest, thinking that there’s a bonus 10% EXP after going through all that trouble… sorry mate, hate to burst yer bubble but there’s no EXP reward on this one. But you still have to do this, regardless, if you want to level up again. ;)

I. Proof of Braveman 1
The quest appears immediately after you’ve reached 56, asking you to go and talk to your respective race manager. He or she will direct you on what to do next. A reward of 5,000 contribution points is in order after you’ve completed the task.

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II. Proof of Braveman 2
Part two of the unsealing quest would require you to travel to Ancient’s Road, at the end of Beast Mountain, to kill 10 Kukra Patrols. The Kukra Patrol, however, can also be found within Outcast Lands so if you don’t feel like going to Beast Mountain for whatever reasons, rejoice. You have an alternative.

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Kukra Patrol in Kukra Gate, Outcast’s Land

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The Braveman Quests have 6 phases all in all, so expect to run around Outcast Land after completing each phase. After completing the second phase, you’ll receive 5,000 contribution points again.

III. Proof of Braveman 3
After killing 10 Kukra Patrols, the next phase involves killing 2 Kukra Vafer Adjutants. They can be found in Kukra Gate or Novus Altar within Outcast’s Land. A warning for those who would choose the Novus Altar though: the monsters are extremely aggressive, so if you do not want to respawn again and again, be careful. Respawn time of mobs in Novus Altar is, roughly, 2 hours.

Quest completion reward is 5,000 contribution points.

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Kukra Vafer Adjutant in Kukra Gate, Outcast’s Land

IV. Proof of Braveman 4
Phase four would prompt you to kill 1 Kukra Vafer Captain, located at the same camp where you found the Kukra Adjutant (Kukra Gate). This monster is quite strong so it would be advisable if you have someone to tank it for you; and, if you’re a tanker, it’s also advisable if someone’s there to nuke for you. Quest reward is 5,000 contribution points.

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Kukra Vafer Captain in Kukra Gate, Outcast’s Land

V. Proof of Braveman 5
Next quest: get out of Kukra gate and kill 5 Naroom Crawler Adjutant, located at the Naroom Fort. Reward is (surprise!) 5,000 contribution points. Hurray.

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The monsters in Naroom Fort may not be as strong as the ones in Kukra Gate, but their aggressiveness is one for the record. Heed my precautions then, lads, if you do not want to get mobbed by these nasty crawlers. Trust me. Those claws would hurt.

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Naroom Crawler Adjutant in Naroom Fort, Outcast’s Land

VI. Proof of Braveman 6
After owning 5 crawler adjutants in Naroom Fort, don’t think you can breathe easy just yet. The most challenging part of the quest is now underway, so press that exclamation point and read the Quest Journal:

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Challenging, huh? :D

Go to your respective race manager, then click conversation.

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Receive your well-earned rewards of 5 million racial currency and 5,000 contribution points…

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Then search for a power leveling party.

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Congratulations, mate. You’ve just unsealed your way to level 57.

