I made this guide on RFe for HDH bd's. We are still way too noob to do any of those (only 50+ can do it and it is extremely hard) but i thought i'd upload the guide just to give you an idea whats waiting for you! 

A HDH bd is different from other bd's. unlike normal or even hora bd's its not only 'kill mobs and win'. To complete one we need perfect teamwork. The BD works in stages. You have to complete the goal on each stage to advance to the next one. 

First stage: 
The first stage of the BD has 3 goals.
- 1st round: kill all mobs
- 2nd round: kill all mobs ( a bit harder)
- 3rd round: kill pitboss (dont kill the guards, if you do you lose 10 seconds each time. 
Complete these 3 rounds before time runs out and you're good to go to stage 2.

For the first stage its a good idea for all strikers to siege at the center. For the pb one person (striker) takes the guards on him and the rest dps like crazy! dont forget the loot=) so far so good...

Stage 2: 
2 goals:
- 1st round: kill 10 mobs (they look like granite blocks, forgot the name) Loot after every kill!! if you dont loot the items that the mobs drop, we lose the round. First run left for the mobs then go to the right.. that way we will end up at the pb spawn spot, saves a bit running.. =)
2nd round: kill PB. Similar to stage 1: dont kill the guards, pb looks like a draco.
Get it before time runs out, go to stage 3.

Stage 3: Ruin zone
2 goals: kill 10 beacons and kill the PB. There are 10 beacons wich u have to destroy within the given time. Each beacon drops an item! again, dont forget the loot! Now we need at least 1 merc and we need everybody to stay as a group! The mobs for time are tough! They hit me for 1-1,5K and i have 12K def power. strikers focus fire on the beacons while a merc/assaulter gathers some mobs around the beacons.. full dps on the mobs if we bring them.

If u get the 10 beacons before time runs out, we got another PB spawning in the center of the room. Same principle as room 1&2, shouldnt be too hard 

Stage 4: gunpowder
2 or 3 goals
- 1st round kill passer deltas and loot 20 of their quest items (loot is very important).
- 2nd round: kill 30 devistators (no misspelling, just the weaker version). They are still pretty strong tho, so be sure not to bring too many at a time. They hit around 3-4K on a melee. 
- 3rd round: you get a pb, but here is the tricky part.. you have to kill his GUARDS only! Kill the pb and you lose. The pb is very big but weak (3-4 shot) be sure not to hit him! he spawns 5 guards.. they look like aba and abb. You have to kill 50 of his guards. 2 melees with aggro skill ping pong the pb when he spawns guards. That way the guards become exposed for the strikers to dps them.

Stage 5: scotoma
This is by far the hardest room! You have to loot 15 items from beacons. The beacons are spawned in pairs, but every beacon u kill takes away 30 seconds of your time! Make sure to loot after every broken tombstone. All strikers max dps on the beacons while melees go for time. The mobs are still pretty tough (like in room 2) so be carefull. Dunno if there is a pb, we ran out of time here on the last one. 

From here i will speculate on the normal DH bds (46-49) i completed these once on retail.

Stage 6: stone wall
Goal: kill 4 crystals (look like jewel cube) before time runs out. The stage is a maze, so stick as a group! its filled with baby kurrs and they can all entangle, make sure to bring cure nades and chargers! advance as a group and kill 4 crystals. this should be enough to get to the next room.

Stage 7: steamer
Goal: kill 10 crystals (same as room 6) before time runs out. This place is a small stage with little mobs so again max dps and teamwork does the trick! this requires dps rather than thinking, we gotta make sure to pack some nice weaponry.

Stage 8: Chess
From what i recall you gotta destroy some big chess peaces and avoid the little ones. We have to be carefull cuz there dps is crazy. from here on it gets a bit fuzzy i only did these rooms once.. ill update this as we go along.

Stage 9: nightmare
There are 2 egg like objects in this stage, surrounded by a lot of mobs. You have to kill only one of them. If u kill te right one and take the right teleporter, you go to the real boss. 

Stage 10: illusion bowl
In this room there is only 1 pitboss. You get a lot of time to kill it, even 14 minutes if im correct. The real PB has a lot of hp, the fake one is a 1 shot. On retail, if you got the fake pb u get nothing. In RFE i believe both real and fake pb give a 25% chance of dropping a relic item (this goes to your inventory automatically, dont think its in the loot!) 

Well.. i hope this is helpfull and if you got any changes to make be sure to contact me ill update this a lot.

Lets get some relics^^